Laid Off: Day Nine
I got off the island today by going to the noon Karate class. Having to be somewhere by a specific time is sometimes a nice thing.Speaking of islands, Kendra and I watched our first episode of Survivor tonight. It is an interesting show and I can understand the hype, but I would never be drawn in. Although, the totally wrong person was voted off tonight. ;)
I made another contact today for possible jobs. After Karate class, I was chatting with one of the other guys in the locker room and he offered to take my resume. It will be really neat if the way I get a new job is through one of these new people I am contacting. It will make the process seem even more worthwhile. Although, it already is worth it to be able to have a network of friends with common intersts and jobs in the area.
I didn't hear back from my recruiter today, so I will probably give him a call tomorrow. I am curious if his Ann Arbor contact has asked around the local area for me yet.
I completed the blanket for Kendra's and my friend. It is always with mixed feelings that I finish these; although it is always nice to be done, it is almost an empty feeling to not have the comfort of working on it that had developed over the weeks and months it takes to make it. So, to fill the void, I have begun a new one. Also, it is nice to be able to watch tv and still feel productive. :)

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